Scheduling is one of the most difficult and time-consuming daily jobs required in the natural gas industry. The people who do this job must have a high level of knowledge and ability in order to fulfill a company’s trading and service obligations. However, the rigors of the job, including weekend responsibilities and interruptions, usually cause this department to deal with a higher rate of employee turnover. We provide tools that simplify the training, scheduling and the delivery of pipeline nominations. When tied to a trading system, your existing system or ours, nominations can be created using windows spreadsheet style point and click simplicity. Our interactive worksheet interface tracks a running balance your supply, market and transportation balances on a single screen. Transportation fuel is automatically calculated when you provide either a receipt or delivery volume. When coupled with our segment recognition and capacity management functionality, proposed nominations can be verified to ensure MDQ availability before the occurrence of unintentional capacity overrun or curtailment.
The integration of this powerful tool with trading, can significantly reduce the amount of time required to schedule, allowing you to reallocate 25% or more valuable time to trading before the critical timely nomination deadline. Errors are greatly reduced when used with our CapMan product, which can verify that you hold sufficient capacity to guarantee the flow of your scheduled nominations. Click here for more information. |
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