Gas Accounting departments spend a great deal of effort verifying that they are being properly invoiced by their suppliers and pipeline transportation service providers. Our past analysis of this process has shown that much of this time is spent in manually reentering information already available. This duplicative data entry effort introduces the potential for error and has an adverse affect on overall departmental efficiency. The information captured at deal time by the Traders and nomination time by Schedulers is the best source of data to reconcile any invoice. Although the same data is required, it must be presented in a completely different way to match the processes of the Gas Accountant. We have developed a system that allows a Gas Accountant to identify a supplier or pipeline and time period covered. They are presented with an interface to enter the invoice’s important reporting information. Trade or nomination transactions can then be associated with the invoice, using the data already stored in the system as shown below. As transactions are associated or disassociated with the active invoice the running total provides automatic reconciliation. Invoice discrepancies can be quickly recognized with minimal effort. In some cases our clients have reduced three weeks effort into a single day, with better results! Complete automated paperless approval systems have been developed in conjunction with the invoice reconciliation process, which allows the paper invoice to be filed immediately after its initial review. The authorization and tracking information is available electronically to authorized personnel and can be reviewed at any point during the approval process. This automation provides an extraordinary level of real-time information and customer service.
This diagram shows the simplicity of reconciling a supplier invoice. Purchases matching a user determined date range are extracted from the trade management system. As the users selects rows the "Match" column the cumulative totals are updated instantly. Once these totals equal the totals stated on the actual invoice, you can approve the invoice electronically and the job is done! Click here for more information. |
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