Many of the companies that operate in the natural gas industry are regulated by state, federal or a combination of both agencies. These companies usually have the benefit of a guaranteed rate of return on investment, but have a significant burden of accurate and abundant reporting requirements. Often times these requirements are not properly analyzed prior to the implementation of an automated gas or capacity management system. Our people have expert knowledge and significant experience providing this critical information. We understand that to support your regulatory obligations you must have a system designed with that objective in mind. The key difference in working with our people is our comprehension of the importance of providing these reports. By reviewing your past reporting requirements and understanding the general objectives of the regulators we provide data storage that supports all your needs. Our system will enable you to provide the highest level of detail and satisfy even the most probing interrogatories. Our experience has shown that reports that are invaluable to one customer, has no meaning to the next. We focused our efforts on building a platform that supports rapid development of custom reports. As a result each implementation of one of our systems contains unique and highly customized reports meant to satisfy the customers specific needs. Click here for more information. |
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